Mandala pizza
Part one
I heard few times of the ‘jewish conspiracy’ and I made jokes and laughed about it. This until few days ago when I met a new devotee just coming from a journey. He told me of his experience and he mentioned something about it; I keep his words as they are, unedited: “They told me about the jewish conspiracy, jewish wants to control ISKCON…” As he spoke, I listened politely , feeling the fun inside me. But his immediate next phrase did not appear to me as humorous: “If Hitler killed all of them he must have had some good reasons, after all, a jew is a jew.”
No more fun. I was not particularly shocked, not judgmental, but certainly a little surprised and concerned. He seems a good person, and he didn’t speak with hatred, yes, certainly he is a new devotee, but anyway, “How could he say such a thing?”
Material background? Misinformation? Lack of spiritual education? No change of heart? Superficiality? Or maybe I am taking his words too seriously?
I felt that we have to talk a lot about all the divine qualities, and talks are not enough, we need many practical examples and a deep, deep culture of spiritual kindness. And I think we should not expect an excellent behavior only from the leaders, but start from us and appreciate others, and do that everyday.
I had just wrote the above words when coincidentally yesterday I heard a Srimad Bhagavatam class (SB 9.16.29-23) given recently by Anuttama Prabhu, in Mayapur:
“..We are meant to change the world, and we are meant to have a different mentality, we have to see as Krishna sees, the way Lord Caitanya sees, the way Srila Prabhupada sees, and Prabhupada did not discriminate anyone… Srila Prabhupada went to Nairobi, Kenya, and the devotees there were preaching only to the indian people, because they were pious and receptive and it was easier. Prabhupada came and he said, ‘Where are the local people?’ And devotees told him, ‘They are not coming, they are not interested, only indian people are interested.’ Then Prabhupada said, ‘Go the the black part of the town, rent a hall and we will have a program there.’ So devotees did what Srila Prabhupada asked them to do, they rented a hall and when Prabhupada arrived, practically nobody was there, the hall was almost empty, there were only 6 or 7 Indians. At that moment Prabhupada told them, ‘Open the door and start a kirtan.’ It is a fact, but it has also an allegorical meaning, ‘Open the doors and start a kirtan’, not ‘Close the doors to others’, but ‘Open the doors to people.’ Then what happened?… As the music begun, the hall became flooded by local people, all attracted by Krishna’s names. Srila Prabhupada didn’t say, ‘close the doors to them.’ Close the doors to these people, they are lower; he said, ‘open the doors.’
If we start to discriminate we are in big trouble, and Prabhupada did not discriminate anyone… for instance traditionally women are not supposed to chant the gayatri mantra but Prabhupada did it, ‘yes but’, ‘excuse me but the founder acarya did it’ ‘Yes but… we must review things, he made concessions.”
Then looking at the Deities, Anuttma Prabhu became emotional and holding back the tears he said: “I confess in front of the vaisnavas and in front of the Deities that I am a concession! Without Prabhupada’s concessions no one of us would be here now, and if we start thinking that certain people are not worthy of Krishna’s concessions, not worthy of Prabhupada’s mercy, they are not worthy of our kindness, then we will loose the spirit of Lord Caitanya, we will loose the spirit of Srila Prabhupada, and if we are not careful, we may loose their mercy too… we are supposed to carry the mercy, to open the store house of mercy, we are not supposed to think it is only for me or my group or my gender or my country, we should not think like that, if we think like that we are not following Srila Prabhupada.”
Back to the jewish conspiracy, let’s really suppose the jews wants to control the world. But they are not alone in trying to do that. The desire to control the world is common in everyone and it was there in the past, it is there now and it will be there in the future.
Romans wanted to control the world, ‘divide et impera’, British wanted to control the world, ‘Dominions’, Germans wanted to control the world, ‘superior race’, Jewish wanted to control the world, ‘the chosen people’, Americans want to control the world ‘the world police’, Christians wanted to control the world, ‘the only true religion’, and also Islamics, Arabs and Chinese and everyone else will soon try to control the world if only they have a chance. Everyone of us wants to control the world, became a star, a boss, a prince, a king, a lord, a god. Even a dog or any animal wants to control his world and even a microbe would like to be a god, ‘the god of all that survey’.
And every nation thinks they are the best, and we try to be the best, and we swear we are equal to everyone, we want brotherhood, but everyone of us is trying the best to prove the contrary.
There is so much suspicion, so much cynicism as there are conspiracies. Now people are obsessed by them. There must be a conspiracy behind everything. Even if somebody smiles at us it might be a conspiracy. What is there behind that smile, which plan, which agenda? They want to cheat me, to exploit me?
Part two
So, I personally did a research and I hope you will believe in my words. It is well documented. I don’t have anything against Italians, they are nice and creative people, I love them, but only for the sake of truth I have to disclose few facts, and my research is not biased and it is corroborated by many evidences and unknown facts kept hidden from the general public. Here is what I found:
The word Italy comes from the sanscrit term ‘tala’, planet; probably Italians always thought to be the only inhabitant of this planet, they felt far superior to all others and always aimed to have the whole planet for them. Even before the time of Julius Ceaser they always tried to dominate the world, and they even tried to kill Jesus! But failed, and to be forgiven they invented the Vatican, not yet satisfied, they sailed to India, and found there a sailor from Florence, Amerigo, he told them about a new continent, and after him they named it America. They were the first to infiltrate into New York area and even tried to establish a New Rome in United States and the outcome was the White House! In the opposite front they sent Marco Polo that tried to invade China; after the Polo fiasco they were forced to emigration, but took advantage of it and established Mafia in every country. In recent times they invented the atomic bomb; from space they supervised the moon landing, tried to italianize India and now they resorted to subjugate all countries of the world with pizza, a baked Mandala shaped bread, sprinkled with mashed tomatoes, stringy cheese and origami, an herb used also in Japanese cuisine. (a Mandala is a diagram that symbolically contains all powers the universe, but, how can you bake a Mandala?! Italian people are doing even that!) How that funny food could conquer the world is one of the greatest mysteries of our times. How Italians could cheat all of us in such a way? It is a tentacular expansion, they infiltrated everywhere. And at the present italians – or are they It.aliens? (do they come from a different planet?) – infitrated so much into ISKCON, Chandra Mauli swami, Dina Bandhu Prabhu, Satsvarupa Maharaja, Visnujana Maharaj, Yamuna devi, (everyday they have to listen her singing) and Drutakarma, just to mention a few, are all of Italian origins. We will not allow the world to remain an Italian colony! Stop this Italian conspiracy!
I hope you believe my words and in a near future we will know about a new conspiracy, the New Chinese World Order. Well, a little more threateaning, I admit. And certainly less demential…
Part three
Back to seriousness. I am just an amateur in writing conspiracy theories, but it isn’t so difficult to construct a conspiracy about anything and anyone. Feel some negativity, some jealousy and make your presentation with fine words and mix lies, real facts, half truths, ‘evidences’, facts out of context, hypothesis, theories, exaggerations, and ‘revealing details’. Show as much as possible only the faults, quote negative opinions from big people, reveal ‘hidden secrets’ and present others in a sinister light, show their weaknesses and their real motivations; maybe if we are more subtle we add appreciation to demonstrate our nobility of spirit. But usually, we do not say a single good word about them – someone may believe it.
All of this for the sake of truth and welfare of all. And maybe we will start to think you are right, even if we know inside we are lying. All of this to methodically destroy the ‘enemies’ and their reputation. It is very common, and it is not the way of balanced, noble, honest persons, not the way of persons that wants the truth. And this way of thinking destroyed people, justified and started wars and genocides.
Instead we are meant to try to find the good in others, yes, not blindly, but with wisdom. ‘Open the doors to people’, ‘Open your hearts to people’. As Srila Prabhupada did.
I hope you had some fun reading the second part of this article. And I had a a realization after writing it, that Krishna gave me some tips I did not ever expect I could find. My motivation was to express some sense of humor, and if we want to lie, He will try to counsel us not to do it, but if we don’t want to listen to Him, sometimes He will let us do what we really want, but we will pay the consequences, and if we are sincere and honest and want to tell the truth, He will gives us all the necessary informations to do that. And we will be rewarded.
And by the way, the name Italy (Italia) coming from about 3.000 years, literally means ‘calf-land’ or “Land of Cattle” or, according to other sources “The land of light”. Beautiful, isn’it?
Hare Krishna
with a smile and kindness,
Sajjana Ashraya das