Sacidevi with Nimai
In India, during the moon eclipse all the people bathe in a sacred river, and while they were bathing they sang and recited the name of Krishna with a loud voice. At that time the demigods saw that scene from the heaven and they knew that a beautiful child, the most merciful Avatara, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu would soon take birth in Navadvip. So during the eclipse and right at the time of His birth, thousands of people sang the holy name of Krishna and the demigods in their joy began to play the dindima drum and other musical instruments in a triumphal, tumultuous and joyful mood. Overwhelmed by impatience, the demigods wanted to see that marvelous child more closely, so assuming the features of simple villagers, they descended into the village of Mayapur. The Divine Child was born under a nim tree, and so He was called Nimai. He had a golden hue and He was wonderful, nobody had never seen a child more bright and loving than Him. News of His extraordinary birth spread rapidly and everyone wanted to go and see that child immediately. Who was in the Ganges ran out without even drying out and everyone ran to go see the little Nimai and when they saw Him, caught by surprise due to His beauty and the love that emanated from Him, full of admiration and overjoyed, they exclaimed, “Krishna! Krishna!” So, thousands and thousands of people throughout Navadvip were singing the holy names of Krishna.
Then the full moon with the color of molten gold appeared and distributed its benevolent rays over all the people. She too had appeared to celebrate the birth of little Nimai who one day asserted,
The day will come when the holy name of Krishna will be sung in every country and in every village of the whole world, the whole world will be inundated by the greatest love, the love for Krishna…